Friday, June 20, 2008

Disconnected Thoughts

I always had that deep seated suspicion for all things disconnected and as it is I am in throes of a particularly complicated disconnected implementation.There are few things that immediately came to my notice.OBI somehow misses that punch here.Well it's true that you don't get everything from the online application in the disconnected mode.I still find that sync process is particularly difficult to debug.Lot of things are completely opaque to the developer.One would had expected a better sync log and all the internal flags that OBI checks before loading the webcat all over again.I find it completely arbitray at times and I have had harrowing time in figiuring out the exact behaviour.Again what is it that OBI does when it merges the webcat?Sad part is that I find documenation on these techincal aspects no better than sphynx of forgotten lands.
However most difficult problem has been in deciding indexes for the SqlAnywhere tables.I wonder why is it that Oracle still persists with SqlAnywhere for disconnected application when it could go for Oracle express edition.Even the most basic rules for selectivity of indexes don't work here and I am really at my wit's end in deciding what set of indexes should go in for a query.I pinned my hopes on clustered indexes here which arrange rows based on sorting of columns specified.That way your chances of fetching different page for adjacent column values decrease.However to my dismay even that is no guarantee for good perfromance.
Well OBI please pull your socks.
Your disconnected offerings needs lot of improvement.

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